You begin to see double, triple meanings in everything he says.
THE MAGUS, John Fowles
Receive transmissions?


An AI, a virus, a prophecy.
A cryptic novel for the post-truth era

Haunted by a dream of a mystery woman, burned-out contractor Adam Walker joins an obscure government department overseeing a new system managed by AI.

When a message hidden in a junk email possesses his imagination, Walker enters a labyrinth of coincidence and hidden meaning

Summoned Upstairs, intergovernmental mandarin Akbal reveals the real reason for Walker’s hire. Like his predecessor, Mu, he has the illlness [sic], a virus transmitted by words.

Attacking the temporal lobes, it alters human identity. Subjects become invisible to the AI. Mu has gone dark. Walker must find him before he broadcasts a sequence of words, triggering a pandemic.

Light refers to spirituality on the one hand, and digital intelligence on the other.

Set in London and Tokyo, LIGHT is a rollercoaster dive into human identity.


1984 / George Orwell 1949
The Lord of the Rings / JRR Tolkien 1955
The Magus / John Fowles 1965
Gödel, Escher, Bach / Douglas Hofstadter 1979
Simulations / Jean Baudrillard 1981
The Fire from Within / Carlos Castaneda 1985
An Artist of the Floating World / Kazuo Ishiguro 1986
The Windup Bird Chronicle / Haruki Murakami 1995
The Information Bomb / Paul Virilio 1998
Why the Future Doesn't Need Us / Bill Joy 2000
Falling Out of Cars / Jeff Noon 2002
IQ84 / Haruki Murakami 2009


#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #GodlikeAi
#Virus #Psychology #Dejavu #Dystopian
#Identity #Compliance #Defiance #ScienceFiction
#Shinto #Prophecy #DragonPrincess
#London #Tokyo #TokyoBay


WAVE#1 Early adoption in progress



Early adoption, organic spreading.

infect +



Public platforms, super-spreading.

infect +



Mass trigger, mass limbic, everyone zapped.*

infect +

* Kazusa Research Institute

SHARDS of light

About The Illustrations

Walking the talk here! Illustrations were crafted using generative AI, trained on words from LIGHT plus guide images. Follow me on FB/IG for regular updates. All images © NIZAMIXIII.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Substack for more tricks of the LIGHT.

Essays + other stuff



LIGHT serialised in words and audio, with the first five chapters for free.

Substack blog


Essays on esoteric matters, current affairs, compliance, defiance, viruses and big changes.



Shortish pieces on life, current affairs and writing.

NOISE cover


Short stories of transformation from the UK, Peru and Indonesia, connected by the theme of noise. From noisy neighbours in an overcrowded world to the magic of the rainforest and the wrath of the ocean.

from my Substack

Click image for article
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